THE RIGHT ONE by DeAnna (c)
Sisters think they recognize a man and
before they can think,
they scramble and ambush him.
His nectar is enticing
His honey seems sweet
Yet each and every single one of them will meet
.a brick wall
Their fall, was because they didnt stop and think
to see if the nectar so enticing was worth sacrificing
common sense
Was this man right for them?
Or just a righteous man
Only considered righteous cause dear life was
what he claimed to hold close
Thats all fine and good, but he never quite understood
the death that could be brought
by a tongue that never sought
to separate clear fact, from a females additions.
Their concocted nonfiction was a man pure and true
with no confusion,
but he was just an illusion,
as he only existed
in their minds.
Enter man-child
called man, which is short for mannerisms mild,
but still considered a child
because of his state of mind.
Man-child could dream dreams of freedom, yet his focus
was a joke cause
he lacked that spark that came from heart
to make the transition from
potential and what could be
to kinetic and becoming reality/
Living a fantasy was his fancy
and freakin with the minds
of females who find
and frequent with time,
the likes of a better day
got in the way
of his attention span.
And seein as how he had nothin to offer them
he could only win by turnin brown eyes green
as they fought for the prize,
of the booty and his affection.
However his ultimate rejection was their twisted fates,
leavin disastrous tastes
in their mouths.
However,. no friendship was lost
but amongst them they tossed
ideas around as to how profound
his game really was.
They discovered:
game, no he was a lame; a man-child @ best and
the rest was overlooked because they were over-booked
with the pre-occupation
to find the righteous man, instead of the right man for them.
Sistas recognize a man, but now sense the child within.
In order for growth to take place
3 major stages must be faced.
Denial, confusion and then anger
delivers her from any real danger
of bein hurt by a minor
tryin @ bat in a league
for the majors.
Instead of sistas tryin to find the right man without,
they need to first try lovin the woman within
cause its only when they can look in the mirror
without fright
that theyll discover themselves,
and land themselves
a man for them thats right;
And having realized that
its the MAN who finds that righteous Woman who has won
then, and only then, will sistas have found the right one.
And thats that piece.